Agent Pimenta and Medical Experts Weigh In on Pogba

Paul Pogba testing positive for doping sent shockwaves through Serie A. He has been officially preventively suspended as the protocol prescribes. His agent Rafaela Pimenta commented to RMC Sport (via Goal).

“We can’t say anything until they perform further tests. The one thing for certain is that he never intended to break the rules.”

Enrico Castellacci, who served as the Italy doctor for several years, spoke about the Pogba case to TVPlay.

“It’s something rather unbelievable. Pills, vials, and ointments can contain that substance. The punishments are well known and could last up to four years if there’s evidence it was intentional. We wish that’s not the case and that the upcoming exams turn things around or that it was involuntary. It couldn’t have possibly come from a medical prescription. These things usually happen because of gels or salves that are mistakenly considered safe. It’d be serious if somebody advised him to take it.”

Massimo Locatelli, the director of Medical Science of the Lab of the San Raffaele Hospital, dished on Pogba to SportMediaset.

“It doesn’t mean anything to test positive for testosterone. Probably, its level was too high, which could lead to the assumption of an external ingestion. I highly doubt it was a mistake. The labs are various serious and cautious. The outcome arrives only after a series of confirmations. Testosterone increases the muscular mass and has an indirect effect on hemoglobin.”

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