Berlusconi in Intensive Care Due to Severe Illnesses

Former Italy prime minister and Monza owner Silvio Berlusconi has been treated in the intensive care unit of the San Raffaele hospital in Milan for the past two days. The ex-Milan patron is suffering from pneumonia and leukemia, Corriere della Sera informs.

The billionaire had visited the clinic earlier ten days ago for check-ups and stayed longer than anticipated. The blood disease, which had been quiet until now, is the main responsible for his recurrent exams and health issues.

The situation is delicate but not dramatic at this stage, the outlet relays. Berlusconi is stable and alert. He’s receiving oxygen, but he’s not intubated, La Repubblica relays. His sons Marina, Piersilvio, Eleonora, Barbara, and Luigi paid him a visit since he entered the cardiothoracic wing of the facility.

His brother Paolo commented:

“He’s a rock and will push through this time as well. His mood? Ours is good.”

Berlusconi, who acquired Monza in 2018, eventually leading to its first-ever Serie A promotion, has dealt with a number of health problems in recent years. In 2016, he had open-heart surgery due to severe aortic regurgitation. He developed bilateral pneumonia following a COVID-19 infection in 2020. In April 2021, he spent 24 days at the hospital due to unspecified autoimmune disorders. He contracted a UTI in January 2022.

The 86-year-old, who served as a prime minister four times and is currently a senator, governed Milan for 31 years, from 1986 to 2014, winning eight Scudetti, five Champions League, two Intercontinental cups, one Club’s World Cup, and five Coppe Italia.

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