Napoli will attempt to fix their leaky defense this summer and are pursuing multiple center-backs, in particular Torino star Alessandro Buongiorno.

Napoli Determined to Acquire One Top-Notch Defender

Napoli will attempt to fix their leaky defense this summer and are pursuing multiple center-backs, in particular Torino star Alessandro Buongiorno. The Granata are doing their best to stoke a bidding war. Their present Urbano Cairo stated that he wanted to keep ahold of him.
Inter have two Spaniards in their crosshairs, Girona’s Arnau Martinez and Betis’ Alex Perez, to shore up their rearguard for the present and the future.

Inter Reportedly Eyeing Up Young Spanish Defensive Duo

Inter have two Spaniards in their crosshairs, Girona’s Arnau Martinez and Betis’ Alex Perez, to shore up their rearguard for the present and the future. The former joins the list of prospective Denzel Dumfries’ heirs. The Nerazzurri are trying to sort out his contract.
Napoli will need reinforcements across the board this summer and added three more players to their shortlist: Mario Hermoso, Lucca, and Fazzini.

Napoli Eye Atleti Veteran and Udinese and Empoli Talents

Napoli will need reinforcements across the board this summer and added three more players to their shortlist: Mario Hermoso, Lorenzo Lucca, and Jacopo Fazzini. The defender will leave Atletico Madrid on a free. He has been strongly linked to Aston Villa.
A few more Serie A sides clinched, while other positions and cup berths will depend on the last round and what Atalanta and Fiorentina do in their finals.

How Serie A Could Have Nine Clubs in Europe Next Season

A few more Serie A sides clinched in the most recent round, while other positions and cup berths will depend on the last round and what Atalanta and Fiorentina do in their upcoming finals. UEFA deputy secretary Giorgio Marchetti clarified.
In view of today's results, Frosinone, Udinese, and Empoli - plus Verona - are all still at risk of relegation, while Sassuolo's fate is doomed

Sassuolo Demoted to Serie B as Last Relegation Spot Battle Goes to Wire

Frosinone's first away victory this season and a late penalty drama at the Bluenergy Arena certified Sassuolo's relegation to Serie B. The Canarini won 1-0 in Monza thanks to a lone strike from Walid Cheddira while Udinese and Empoli each scored once from the spot to share the spoils in the Serie A penultimate round.
With two rounds and change left, multiple Serie A teams have clinched their objectives. The Champions League race is down to Atalanta, Roma, and Lazio.

Only a Handful of Verdicts Still Hang in the Balance

With two rounds and change left, multiple Serie A teams have clinched their objectives. The Champions League race is down to Atalanta, Roma, and Lazio. Bologna and Juventus have secured a top-five finish thanks to La Dea beating the Giallorossi on Sunday.