Di Lorenzo Digs His Heels in, Juventus Ponder Swaps

Antonio Conte wants Giovanni Di Lorenzo to stay, but the fullback is determined to leave, and Juventus are mulling how to get him. The captain is eager to depart as he perceived some lack of trust from the team.

His agent Mario Giuffredi doubled down to Tele A (via Vesuvio Live).

“He doesn’t wish to depart because the fans booed him in the last game. It’s part of the job. You accept and move on. It’s a non-issue. We genuinely thought he would finish his career in Campania when we signed a new contract. I also said that it’d be cowardly for somebody to leave now, and I don’t deny that.”

“However, I always underlined that we’d stay as long as Napoli wanted him. The club changed its mind. When a player is told that he’s available on the market and could be sold, that means that the team no longer believes in him and that he’s not indispensable.”

Conte? They should have thought about it sooner. Words have weight and can be hurtful. You can’t always talk and then backtrack. If your worth is questioned, then we want out.”

According to La Gazzetta dello Sport (via Goal), Juventus are keen but don’t want to spend too much to sign Di Lorenzo from Napoli. They are ready to offer some players such as Daniele Rugani, Mattia Perin, and Moise Kean.

Our Take on Di Lorenzo, Napoli, and Juventus

Despite his agent’s animosity, it still feels that the fences could be mended with an apology from the Partenopei brass. If not, he’d be a quality purchase for a few sides, but only if the price isn’t excessive since he’s 30 and coming off a poor season after all.

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