Fiorentina Remove Rumored Napoli Target from the Market

Lucas Martinez Quarta was touted to be one of the primary targets for Napoli, but Fiorentina managed to come to terms to keep him for a few more years. La Viola announced his extension until 2028 on Monday. His previous contract would have expired in 2025.

His agent Gustavo Goni commented to Tuttomercatoweb.

“Many clubs were interested in him. I don’t like to name names because that’s in the past. Today’s topic is that he has agreed to stay put for a long time. Italian, English, and Spanish outfits were after him. However, we were focused on the renewal. He has always been very happy in Florence. The management made a big effort for him.”

Martinez Quarta re-upping with Fiorentina, where he has spent the last four campaigns, will force Napoli to look elsewhere to beef up their rearguard. Their top target continues to be Alessandro Buongiorno despite his price tag and the competition, Sky informs.

According to Radio Kiss Kiss (via Zazoom), the Partenopei have also had some talks with the entourage of Arthur Theate, who wouldn’t mind returning to Italy after two seasons at Rennes.

Our Take on Fiorentina, Martinez Quarta, and Napoli

It’s quite an achievement for La Viola, and they probably didn’t need to break the bank as he was making €1M annually beforehand. Considering the rumors and Antonio Conte’s habits, the Partenopei seem to be moving toward a three-man line. It will necessitate at least two top-notch additions and a pair of reliable backups to work correctly.

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