Gattuso Addresses Tottenham Controversy: “The Wound Is Still Open”

It has been a troubled summer for Gennaro Gattuso. He initially joined Fiorentina, only to leave after three weeks over disagreements on the transfer market strategy. He was in the running for the Tottenham job, but the fans caused an uproar that prevented the hiring. The manager was accused of being racist and homophobic.

Gattuso commented to Il Messaggero: “I had to accept something that hurt me more than any defeat or dismissal. I do not want to go into details on what happened with Fiorentina; there is no need to add anything more. Instead, the other wound is still open, and I can not forget it as the disappointment is too severe.”

“I was described differently from whom I really am, and nobody could do anything about it. My biggest regret Is that I could not defend myself and explain that what they were telling in England was not true. Nowadays, nobody wants to realize the dangerousness of the web. Mean things come up on Facebook and Twitter all the time; there is a lot of fake news going around. I do not have a profile, and I do not want to participate.”

Gattuso weighed in on the upcoming season: “Serie A will be very competitive at the top. Most of the biggest clubs changed their gaffers and made high-profile choices. The Italian League has reached an elite level of coaching. I should be there as well… I will return soon and am looking forward to the next opportunity. Right now, I am studying and keeping up with the game.”