Inter Contemplating Multiple Ways to Address Rearguard

Inter have three options to fill the hole opened up by Tajon Buchanan’s injury. The indication from Oaktree will be decisive in determining which direction they will take. Despite his role, they have elected to onboard a left-footed center-back, using Carlos Augusto only on the wing.

According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, the Nerazzurri can either make a small investment for a talent, bring in an established player on loan, or add a veteran free agent. If they opted for the third route, Ricardo Rodriguez would be a lot more affordable than Mario Hermoso. The former Torino stalwart would be fine with just a seasonal contract.

Oaktree prefer signings whose value would grow during their time at the club. However, they could make an exception since the newcomer would mostly be a backup. Instead, if Inter chose to go with a prodigy, they’d promote somebody from their Primavera squad or accelerate the talks with Sampdoria about Giovanni Leoni. The Blucerchiati are keen on a few of their youngsters, so arranging a deal wouldn’t be difficult. They are also eyeing Lorenzo Pirola and Johan Vasquez, who are further along in their careers.

Instead, a loan would be a temporary fix. They have taken an interest in Bayern Munich’s Kim Min-Jae. He didn’t hit his stride in the Bundesliga, and his team is getting busy signing new defenders.

Our Take on Inter

It’d be a significant change in their MO if their ownership really influenced their transfer market choices, which wasn’t the case under Steven Zhang. A flier on an experienced player would suffice in this case.

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