Juventus and Aston Villa Closing In on a Different Swap

Juventus and Aston Villa couldn’t get Weston McKennie to lower his demands, so the deal centered around Douglas Luiz will have a different structure and include Enzo Barrenechea. The two sides need to complete the trade by June 30th for financial reasons, La Gazzetta dello Sport informed.

The Bianconeri will probably add more cash than in the previous formula. The Argentine has a lower valuation, €15/20M, than his more experienced teammate. The Old Lady could enjoy some bonuses should either he or Samuel Iling-Junior blossom in the future.

According to Alfredo Pedullà, Juventus wished to keep Barrenechea so Thiago Motta could take a look at him in pre-season but didn’t resist once he became pivotal in acquiring Douglas Luiz.

Aston Villa also requested Matias Soulé, but his price tag is much higher. The Old Lady wants to cash in fully in his case. They are confident they could get €40M on the nail for the winger.

Our Take on Juventus, Barrenechea, and Douglas Luiz

If both sides are very determined and the most important player gives his greenlight, an operation of this magnitude couldn’t have collapsed due to secondary aspects. It’s worth the sacrifice even though Barrenechea could become a very nice defensive-minded midfielder.

It would have been a great landing spot for McKennie, but he’s apparently looking for top money salary-wise. The Bianconeri de facto moved on from him in the last couple of months after learning more about his demands to renew his contract that expires in 2025. Perhaps they’ll use him in another deal.

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