Juventus Explore Conditions to Onboard Swedish Talent

Emil Holm is back on the market after Atalanta elected not to buy him out following a loan spell from Spezia, and Juventus have begun pursuing him. They could collaborate with Genoa on the signing. The youngster would spend a season with the Rossoblù first, Gianluca Di Marzio reports.

The Bianconeri tested the waters with the Aquilotti. They are pondering making an investment for the future but would also like to give him regular minutes right away.

Juventus already tracked Holm in the past, but Atalanta won the race last summer. However, La Dea preferred not to pay €8.5M, in addition to the €2.5M they shelled out as an initial fee, to keep him permanently.

According to Sportitalia, Bologna were the first to swoop in, tendering €12M and gaining the pole position.

The Old Lady has been targeting Giovanni Di Lorenzo for the position. However, even if Napoli accepted his request to leave at some point, the two teams would be on polar terms on his valuation, Tuttomercaweb’s Mirko Di Natale reports.

Our Take on Juventus and Holm

They’ll need a starting right-back unless Thiago Motta comes up with something and adapts one of their current players there, as he did with Stefan Posch at Bologna. He was decent in Bergamo, but some injuries prevented him from making the leap. His best stuff is on the offensive end, so he’s not the best fit for a four-man defense. Still, if the demand is reasonable, they might take a shot and work on him later.

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