Lazio Player Ratings vs Salernitana: Four Star Friday Night

The Biancocelesti were still licking their wounds from the first Derby defeat in two years and they bounced back tonight against basement club with a four star Friday night win against Salernitana in Rome as they overcame the bottom side 4-1 despite howls from the home crowd who vented their frustration at an underwhelming season in the capital.

Felipe Anderson opened the scoring for the home side after just seven minutes and Matias Vecino doubled the advantage from a corner on 24 minutes. Salernitana hit back only two minutes later through Loum Tchaouna but in truth they struggled to create all evening. Anderson came to the fore once again before the break as he coolly added to his tally. To put the cherry on the cake Substitute Gustav Isaksen added a fourth with time almost up. It proved to be just the confidence boost the Aquile needed to try retain the momentum under Igor Tudor.

Here are our Lazio Ratings for this Four star Friday night.

Lazio (3-4-2-1)

Christos Mandas – 5.5

Goal was very hard to get to. Had a scare 20 minutes in with a weak shot he should have held and another shaky moment with the ball at his feet.

Patric – 6.5

His long range effort when Costil wasn’t at home was blocked. Was given licence to roam and used it. Salernitana didn’t cause many problems and he was able to bat away anything the visitors threw at him.

Nicolo Casale – 6

Solid and assured performance from the Italian who never really came under pressure. Calm on the ball

Mario Gila – 6

Should have been more alert and organised on the occasion of the goal, the Lazio defence as a whole was unorganised. Apart from this no mistakes.

Adam Marusic – 6

Early shot blazed over the bar at the very start. Had work to do at the back too and wasn’t beaten easily to start with. Always eager to go forward.

Matias Vecino – 7

Made challenges in the centre for his side. Reacted quickest from a corner to get his shot away on the turn and put his side two up.

Daichi Kamada – 6

Much more involved in the attacking phase of the game. Settling in well under Tudor.

Manuel Lazzari – 6.5

Was the wrong side of Tchaouna for the goal. Quick attacks suited his pace better to break into space for his side and irritate Salernitana.

Felipe Anderson – 8

Pressed, won the ball and produced a lovely run before slotting past Benoit Costil to open the scoring. Dangerous on the flank for the Biancocelesti. Lovely incisive passing. Took his second coolly. Great overall.

Luis Alberto – 7

Deliveries from corner kicks were more promising and his side benefitted directly from this. Retained the ball under pressure and supplied Anderson with an assist. Quick one-two passing was on show throughout. Left a bombshell at full-time by announcing he will be leaving the club.

Taty Castellanos – 6

Involved in the early build-up to the second goal and wasn’t isolated from the attack. Admirable showing to help out the Aquile.


Elseid Hysaj – 5.5

Played a background role when he came on to see the game out.

Pedro – N/A

Nicolo Rovella – N/A

Danilo Cataldi – N/A

Gustav Isaksen – 6.5

Deserves a mention for a very well taken goal to cap off the night.