Lukaku Tipped to Be Only a Late-Summer Flier for Roma

Romelu Lukaku has been offered to Roma, but his transfer to the Italian capital is not very likely due to the cost of the deal. His lawyer Sebastien Ledure is actively looking for a taker after the talks with Juventus, Inter, and Milan, Corriere della Sera informs.

The representative proposed to split the wages between Chelsea and the Giallorossi. The Belgian international makes €12M per year. However, the Blues want €40M to greenlight his sale.

Despite the proposal, there are no ongoing negotiations to bring Lukaku to Roma. The marksman continues to wait for Juventus, but their interest is on hold due to a lack of progress concerning Dusan Vlahovic’s departure and a possible swap.

At this stage, the Giallorossi are a last-ditch destination should nothing else come up before deadline day. They’d bring him in only on loan. The Blues have just one remaining slot as they already shipped off six players abroad temporarily.

According to Corriere dello Sport, the Old Lady hasn’t completely abandoned the pursuit. They value Vlahovic €75M. No team has gotten close so far. Chelsea estimated him €60M during the conversations to arrange a trade.

Our Take on Roma, Juventus, and Lukaku

Profitable sales would have had their logic early in the summer, but the Bianconeri better hold on to their young studs at this point. Despite the blatant obstacles, the capital side could become a very real possibility.

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