Santos Starlet Pushing to Complete Transfer to Roma

Roma have a big ally in their pursuit of Marcos Leonardo amid a challenging negotiation with Santos, the player himself. He has skipped practice for two days in a row. He wants the club to abide by the promise that he would leave this summer, Sky relays.

The prodigy was previously on the verge of moving to Lazio. However, the other capital side moved on and signed Taty Castellanos considering the arduous back-and-forth.

Roma believe to have met every request by Santos regarding the economic terms of the Marcos Leonardo deal. They agreed to a €12M fee plus €6M add-ons and concurred on the payment structure. The ball is now in the Peixe’s court, also considering the insistence of the striker.

The tension at the club doesn’t help the Giallorossi. They are fourth-to-last in the standings, just fired their coach, and fear a revolt by the fans if they sell another talent after Deivid Washington.

Our Take on Roma and Marcos Leonardo

As expected, dealing with Brazilian sides is never a walk in the park. The fee is moderate, so director Tiago Pinto can insist a while longer before walking away from the table. In the grand scheme of things, they are already late, and a couple of more weeks won’t hurt. Adding a high-upside youngster would make signing a veteran much more palatable, so it’s crucial.

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