Motta to Assess a Few Distressed Juventus Assets

Juventus have been working on the same handful of targets in the last few weeks but might get an assist from Thiago Motta, who’s ready to evaluate and potentially revitalize some players already in their squad or returning from loans.

According to Tuttomercatoweb’s Mirko Di Natale, Timothy Weah would like to stay after a so-so maiden season in Turin. The coach will make the call about him. He drew offers from Everton and other teams last January. He was signed for €12M.

In addition, Arthur has a chance to stay put after a decent turn at Fiorentina. He was too expensive for La Viola, plus he makes €4.5M annually. It won’t be easy for Juventus to find a taker, as they’d need to cash in at least €20M to avoid a loss. Motta will take a close look at him during the pre-season, La Gazzetta dello Sport informs (via Goal).

Unlike other talents, the Old Lady is leaning toward keeping Enzo Barrenechea, whose sale wouldn’t be as profitable, TuttoSport informs (via OneFootball). A lost list of Serie A teams would be happy to bring him in on loan.

Our Take on Juventus and Motta

Their midfield is really in flux, and it wouldn’t hurt if they could have depth thanks to in-house resources. Both Arthur and Barrenechea shined in two-man lines in the past season. The latter isn’t far off from Remo Freuler in terms of traits, even though he obviously doesn’t have the same experience. Instead, pace and injury woes could be issues for the Brazilian midfielder, but his technique is unquestionable. It would help if Weah could transition to a fullback role, but he’s probably too offensive-minded. They might need wingers too, though.

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