Napoli Owner Blatantly Announces Osimhen Price Tag

Napoli president Aurelio De Laurentiis further dished on Victor Osimhen during an event aboard a cruise ship. He reiterated that he didn’t expect the star to leave but also alluded to his evaluation talking to SportMediaset.

“If he’ll be still with us, then all the better. Otherwise, we’ll sign somebody very strong to replace him. But I believe he’ll stay. The only team that could acquire him is PSG. If Nasser Al-Khelaifi wants to shell out €200M, we wait and then evaluate. We won eight matches when while he was injured last season. We are convinced to be able to work in a certain way.”

On top of commenting on Osimhen, De Laurentiis offered a hint about whom they prefer in the back.

“We have to find players that fit the role they’ll have to handle. It would be an error to try replicating those who will depart. Each has different traits that make the difference. Maybe a Korean will bolt, and a Japanese will substitute him. I like them.”

“I want to continue with 4-3-3. We have a very strong midfielder, which helps the defense work better too. I will support Rudi Garcia with tenacity, my skills, and my finances through a budget that needs to be protected. It was a happy choice. Every time I talk with him, I believe to have picked the right guy.”

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One comment

  1. England and Saudi Arabic is destroying football in Europe.
    Big italians who hate Juvebtus are helping them.
    What happened to juventus in 2006, is happening now.

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