New Ownership Unlikely to Bring Big Changes at Inter

The strategy by Inter on the transfer market shouldn’t drastically shift with Oaktree taking over from Suning. The Chinese conglomerate closed the faucets a few years back, and the Nerazzurri have had to raise funds through sales. The American fund will continue with such a virtuous cycle, Corriere dello Sport informed.

The new owners made it known to appreciate Giuseppe Marotta and the other executives in a statement. There’ll be some tweaks on the board, as natural, but not in the management for now.

Inter already nabbed Mehdi Taremi and Piotr Zielinski before the arrival of Oaktree. The other additions will depend on the departures. They’ll have to find a taker for Joaquin Correa and Marko Arnautovic and properly cash in on Denzel Dumfries to have the room and budget for another quality striker. However, the Dutchman would have to be adequately replaced.

Nicolò Barella and Simone Inzaghi will sign their renewals shortly. Instead, Lautaro Martinez will have to lower his demands. His agent asked for €12M annually, Dusan Vlahovic’s wages, in the most recent conversations.

Per TuttoSport, there’s a chance Javier Zanetti will become the new president. He’s currently the deputy.

Our Take on Inter and Oaktree

Financially speaking, the only way to go for them is up since they have been in a pretty terrible spot with Steven Zhang and Suning in the last few years. But it’s hard to imagine such a seismic event will go down without some repercussions on their personnel or MO.

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