Osimhen and Napoli in Stalemate Despite Recent Message

Victor Osimhen broke his silence on the recent controversies with an Instagram post over the weekend. While he voiced his appreciation for the Napoli fans and stated his attachment to the city, he suspiciously didn’t mention the club. He hasn’t celebrated after his last two goals.

The striker weighed in because the situation was getting out of hand, Corriere dello Sport informs. Even the Nigerian sports minister said that the questionable TikTok videos were racist.

Osimhen opted to address the matter and cleared the air, but he hasn’t mended fences with the hierarchy yet. He acknowledged the club’s recent statement, but Aurelio De Laurentiis didn’t apologize to him. Their social media executive Alessio Fortino is leaving.

He and the brass have come to terms on a truce and not a proper reconciliation, Il Mattino informs. He won’t pen the extension anytime soon. According to Sky (via Tuttomercatoweb), the talks have completely stalled. Some conditions have changed, but there was never a complete agreement to begin with. The parties aren’t in touch currently.

Our Take on Osimhen

The recent events are somewhat minor, but they all stoke a progressive split that will inevitably lead to his departure next summer. The only way to stop the avalanche is a new contract. They are on the clock, but they have about six months to do it.

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