Sergio Goycochea was not even supposed to play in World Cup 1990 but he ended up leading the Argentina all the way to the Final, shattering Italy's dreams

World Cup One-Hit Wonders: Goycochea, the “Notti Magiche” Killer

Sergio Goycochea was not even supposed to play in World Cup 1990, as the starting goalkeeper of Argentina was undoubtedly Nery Pumpido. But when Pumpido suffered an injury, the first choice became this unknown goalie who ended up leading the Albiceleste all the way to the Final, shattering Italy's Notti Magiche dreams in the process.

Meteore Mondiali: Goycochea, l’ammazza-sogni delle Notti Magiche

Sergio Goycoechea was not even supposed to play in World Cup 1990, as the starting goalkeeper of Argentina was undoubtedly Nery Pumpido. But when Pumpido suffered an injury, the first choice became this unknown goalie with a cowboy face, who ended up leading the Albiceleste up to the Final match, shattering Italy's Notti Magiche dreams along the way.