An Interview with Karin Muya of San Marino Academy

The Cult of Calcio continues its journey in the world of women's football meeting some of the protagonists of the Serie A Femminile: This week, we had a talk with Karin Muya of San Marino Academy. Aged 25, Karin has already had multiple playing experiences in several countries before joining the representative of San Marino as they made their debut in the Italian women's top-flight.
IQUII Sport recently released their first report dedicated to the social media presence of the women's clubs and players of the Italian Serie A Femminile

Finance Corner: A Social Media Analysis of Women’s Serie A Clubs

IQUII Sport recently released their first report dedicated to the social media presence of the women's clubs of the Italian Serie A Femminile. Interestingly, the 12 teams have quite different approaches. Napoli choose to devote themselves to all the main social platforms with their own accounts. Other teams like Juventus and Inter prefer to focus only on some channels.