Napoli Still Under Investigation for Possible Violations of COVID Protocol

Napoli have won the appeal on the round 2 match initially awarded to Juventus, but they remain under investigation for potential breaches of the COVID-19 protocol in the lead-up of that game, Gazzetta dello Sport reports. According to local newspaper Il Mattino, the club is confident to have complied with the rules but might decide to plea bargain a substantial fine to prevent the matter from dragging through multiple degrees of judgements.

The federal prosecutor is verifying whether the players fully adhered to the instructions provided by the local health officials that prescribed to isolate following the two positive tests, as they reportedly headed home before going on a retreat in a hotel close to their facilities. Previous violations of similar kind have resulted in fines.

The October 4th’s match was officially postponed at a date to be determined later by the League yesterday. Il Mattino adds that it is considered unlikely that it will be played on January 13th because re-scheduling the Coppa Italia fixtures would involve multiple teams, and that it is hard to postpone the January 20th’s  Supercoppa between the two sides due to problems related to sponsors and TV rights. The latest option is to play in Turin on February 14th and move the return match in Naples to another day, which would hinge on the path of the two clubs in Europe and in the domestic cup.