Three Clubs on Retreat Before Final Matches of 2020

After going through sticky patches and losing over the weekend, three Serie A teams have opted for some seclusion to try to turn things around in the final stretch of 2020. Torino, Fiorentina and Bologna announced on Sunday that will be on retreat before the Winter break: coach Sinisa Mihajlovic made the call for the Felsinei after the embarrassing 1-5 loss to Roma, while it has been mandated by either the management or the ownership in the other two cases. They Rossoblù are also navigating an incredible injury crisis.

Granata president Urbano Cairo has defended Marco Giampaolo, who was hand-picked in the off-season to try to play a different brand of football, but his side sit in penultimate position with six points and has been able to win just once out of 11 rounds so far, continuously hampered by late goals, lack of pace and questionable defending. Things will not get much easier as they will finish off the year with matches against Roma, Bologna and Napoli.

Fiorentina instead hoped that switching from Giuseppe Iachini to Cesare Prandelli would provide a spark, instead they have collected only one point in four matches, against Genoa, as they lost versus Benevento, Milan and Atalanta, failing to show any tangible signs of improvements compared to the previous regime. They still have also Vincenzo Montella on the books, which makes another coaching change highly unlikely. They have a tough schedule coming up as they will face Sassuolo, Verona and Juventus before the holidays.