Fiorentina Set Sights on Manchester United Fullback

Fiorentina are reportedly eyeing Manchester United youngster Brandon Williams. The left-back has played very little this season due to an early injury. He made his lone appearance with the first team in Carabao Cup in December.

According to Tuttomercatoweb, the Viola want to onboard him on loan with option to buy. The 22-year-old was confirmed on the Red Devils squad this year after a promising loan spell at Norwich. However, a physical problem didn’t allow him to blossom.

Williams has a year left on his contract, so he’d have to extend it before joining Fiorentina with such formula. The clause to redeem him could be set at €5M. He makes €1M, which the Italian side could cover in full.

The Englishman could replace Aleksa Terzic as Cristiano Biraghi’s deputy. The Serb had some flashes but also showed signs of restlessness due to his lack of opportunities. Bologna tried hard to sign him in January. His deal runs out in 2024. Therefore, the Gigliati will have to make the call on his future in the summer.

The prospective newcomer has appeared 51 times with Manchester United across all competitions over the years and has featured in 47 Premier League matches.

Our Take on Fiorentina and Williams

The Viola have one of the most solid starting left-backs around, so they can potentially take a swing at a high-upside prospect to back him up, especially if he isn’t too expensive. They have two or three years to groom somebody that could eventually take over the position in the future.

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