Legendary Bergomi Blames ‘Tired’ Inter Crisis on Recent Schedules

Inter blew their chance to top Serie A ahead of Milan, after succumbing to a 2-0 defeat against a dynamic Sassuolo outfit, although the Nerazzurri do possess a game in hand. The loss at the hands of the Neroverdi is Simon Inzaghi’s third defeat in their previous five matches across all competitions. They have now picked up just one point out of a possible nine from the last three league matchdays.

One-club man Giuseppe Bergomi, who led the Nerazzurri backline for twenty long years, believes Inter’s recent crisis can be explained taking into consideration their recent schedule that has seen them play 10 games in 40 days.

Speaking to ‘Sky Calcio Club’ (via FCInterNews), the legendary Inter defender explained:

“To explain the Inter crisis we need to go back to January 9. From 9 January to 20 February Inter played 10 games in 40 days, eight of which with the strongest teams. I see a team that is tired, these are games in which they have not been able to make deep rotations because they were all important games.”

Furthermore Sassuolo are the worst team to face after the Champions League, they are strong and fast and they put you in difficulty. In my opinion they have spent a lot of physical and nervous energy and now they are paying for it. I really see a tired team,” he explained.

As the Italian season resumed after the Christmas winter break, Inter first faced Lazio in the second week of January, few days before meeting Derby d’Italia rivals Juventus in the Supercoppa Italiana final and Atalanta in Serie A.

Then, a quickfire double clash against Empoli and Venezia seemed to have been the Nerazzurri’s only respite. Inzaghi’s men then faced Milan, Roma, Napoli and Liverpool from the start of February, before falling to Sassuolo on the weekend.