Mourinho Tempers Buzz About Targeting Dybala and Lukaku

José Mourinho has officially found a new home at Fenerbahce. The Turkish team has quickly been attached to some of his former players, for instance, Paulo Dybala and Romelu Lukaku, Mediaset relayed.

Presidential candidate Aziz Yildirim said it explicitly in a presser, but the Special One dismissed the rumors in an interview with De Marke Sports (via SOSFanta).

“I want to make it clear: I haven’t discussed any name in particular. I want to see a project and stability. We talked about some profiles. I have no interest in anybody from my previous clubs. I’m sure we will build a strong team to reach the Fenerbahce fans’ dreams. The culture is a little different here, and I’ve heard speculations. I’ve read that I want Lukaku and Dybala, but that’s not true.”

If the Argentine signs off on it, he can depart Roma for €12M to go abroad. According to La Gazzetta dello Sport (via Tuttomercatoweb), the Giallorossi are very serene on such a front. They had an heir in mind, Matias Soulé, but Juventus quickly shut them down.

According to Il Messaggero (via Transfermarkt), Tammy Abraham would like to return to the Premier League. However, no suitor is willing to match the request at the moment. Leicester City have been touted as a destination.

Our Take on Mourinho and Dybala

It’s a pretty decent landing spot for the Special One. Despite his contractual situation, it’d be pretty shocking if La Joya left since he has found the right home for him in the Eternal City.

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