Serie A Approves Long-Gestated Supercoppa Format Change

The Supercoppa will become a final four starting in 2024. The Serie A assembly greenlit the format change that had been in the works for a while Monday. The next two editions will take place in Saudi Arabia. The Scudetto and the Coppa Italia winners will be joined by the league’s runner-ups and the cup finalists. If they are the same teams, the standings will determine the other participants, Sky relays.

The formula isn’t set in stone and could change down the line. The clubs collectively agreed to a six-year contract with Saudi Arabia, which will host it four times until 2029. The location for 2026 and 2027 will be determined at a later date.

Serie A CEO Luigi De Siervo commented on the new Supercoppa.

“We decided to accept Saudi Arabia’s offer to hold the competition on four occasions in the span of six years starting in 2024. The next one will have four teams and will include a friendly. We chose this instrument to help the quality of Saudi football. The format change isn’t definitive. We can go back to the previous one depending on the schedule of the clubs.”

The Italian teams drew inspiration from La Liga, which switched to a final four in 2020. The city and the dates will be announced later on. The matches in the Middle East have generally occurred during the winter and not before the start of the season, which was usually the case for the Supercoppa in the past. According to SportMediaset, Serie A will cash in €23M per season if four sides participate, and €12M if two.

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