Cristiano Ronaldo Praises Juventus and Allegri in Revealing Interview

Cristiano Ronaldo is making headlines with his latest interview on Talk TV with British TV host Piers Morgan, infuriating and earning applause in equal measure with his bold comments. During the conversation, the Portuguese superstar, while taking a jibe at former Manchester United manager Ralf Ragnick, also revealed the best coaches he worked under.

“In the end, inside me, I’ve never seen Rangnick as the boss because in some things I’ve never agreed with him. I’ve always been coached by the best coaches in the world: Zidane, Ancelotti, Mourinho, Fernando Santos and Allegri, so I have some experience because I learned from them. Was Rangnick ridiculous? Sure.” (via Tuttomercatoweb)

He also took time to praise Juventus for progressing in terms of club infrastructure and technology.

 “I was at Real Madrid nine years and three at Juventus. They always try to evolve. And when I arrived (at Manchester United), I thought everything would be different, you know, the technology, the infrastructure and everything else.” (via Tuttosport)

Ronaldo left Turin after four seasons, during which he scored 101 goals in 134 appearances. He is now bound to leave Manchester United this January window following his scathing talk.

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