Antonio Conte Opens Up About Accepting Tottenham Job

Antonio Conte discussed his departure from Inter last summer and his arrival at Tottenham in an interview. “I have never been afraid of challenges. I just need to think to have a one percent chance of being successful to take one on.”

Conte talked to Sportweek: “I have never taken over a team that had won the year before. I aim to rebuild. Juventus had finished seventh, Chelsea tenth, and Inter fourth. I know it will take some patience in London. I left a finished job in Milan, while I have to start over here. It is not easy to take the reins mid-season.”

Conte discussed how the Tottenham move came about: “President Daniel Levy showed me that he wanted at all costs. His words and their investments indicated that they were eager to excel. I thought that, combining those elements with what I could provide on the pitch, we could do a serious and profound job. We can grow and compete with the other top English clubs. At this stage, there is a gap between what ownership poured into the club and its results. We need to close it.”

Conte explained his philosophy: “It is the same as the All Blacks, who say that you should always leave your jersey in better shape than how you found it. I give my whole self for the side I work for. I never stop studying and looking for new solutions. Football is my life, my passion, and my work. It is my beautiful obsession. You must never be complacent to stay at the top. The fans welcomed me incredibly well, and we immediately built a great bond. But we are starting from scratch here at Tottenham.”